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Charleston Injury Lawyers / South Carolina Premises Liability Lawyer

South Carolina Premises Liability Lawyer

Unsafe circumstances, such as damaged wiring, wrongly arranged merchandise, and loose floors, cause accidents. It is the responsibility of businesses and property owners to ensure that their customers and visitors are safe. This covers not only the people they hire, but also the sidewalks and parking areas. Employees are responsible for serving and, in some situations, protecting clients who visit their businesses.

If you or a loved one has been injured while visiting a property, you need a knowledgeable and aggressive South Carolina premises liability lawyer on your side to guide you through the intricate claims process. Mickelsen Dalton’s attorneys are here to help you.

Why Hire Mickelsen Dalton’s Premises Liability Attorneys

We will never give up on a case. We are daring. We are unyielding. We make it our mission to get our clients the favorable results they desire. Our lawyers understand how complicated and difficult premises liability cases may be, which is why we employ all of our resources and knowledge to take on and win such difficult cases. Proving negligence is never an easy task.

Mickelsen Dalton’s attorneys understand that you are going through an unimaginable ordeal, which is why we approach each case with care and sensitivity. We speak up for our victims with our voices, while letting our results speak for themselves.

Why Hire a Premises Liability Attorney?

We will build your case against a wide spectrum of defendants, including businesses, corporations, and local property owners.

Property owners and their insurance companies will defend their interests when a claim is filed against them. You will need an attorney well-versed in the most effective premises liability defenses and who will go to considerable efforts to guarantee a positive conclusion for you.

What Is Premises Liability?

Premises liability is a legal principle that is commonly invoked in personal injury cases where an injury was caused by a dangerous or defective condition on someone else’s property. The majority of South Carolina personal injury cases, including premises liability cases, are founded on negligence.

Premises liability claims can be brought for a variety of reasons. The following are some of the most typical forms of premises liability issues that result in a lawsuit:

  • Workplace and construction-related accidents
  • Injuries caused by electric shock
  • Injuries by an animal bite
  • Food poisoning
  • Inadequate security
  • Working-place dangers
  • Injuries that occur in the park or on the playground
  • Mistakes as a result of bad illumination
  • Injuries caused by slipping and falling
  • Snow and ice

Contact Our South Carolina Premises Liability Attorneys Today

If you have been injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, please contact us immediately. If you or a loved one has been hurt on a property due to inadequate maintenance, contact Mickelsen Dalton’s premise liability attorneys right away.

Please call us at (843) 804-0428 in South Carolina or (678) 641-9054 in Georgia so that we can get started on your case today. You can also send us an email at help@mickelsendalton.com or use the form on our website to contact us. Every day of the week, we are available.