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Charleston Injury Lawyers / Blog / Motorcycle Accidents / Are Motorcycles Safe In South Carolina?

Are Motorcycles Safe In South Carolina?


If you’re wondering whether to purchase your first motorcycle in South Carolina, you might be wondering how safe this mode of transport truly is. Perhaps you’re trying to save on gas, and you’re looking for a “daily driver” that is more economical. Maybe you’re looking for a recreational vehicle to ride on the weekends. You might have already experienced a motorcycle accident, and now you’re rethinking your future as a motorcyclist. Whatever the case may be, safety should be a primary concern for all injured riders in South Carolina.

What Are the Motorcycle Safety Statistics in South Carolina? 

According to the Department of Transportation, 177 people in South Carolina died while riding motorcycles in 2021. However, the fatality rate was almost doubled for those who did not wear a helmet – suggesting that you can reduce your chances of serious injury by simply wearing a helmet.

That being said, surviving a major head injury can change your life forever, causing cognitive decline, loss of motor control, psychological issues, personality changes, and so on. Those who survive these traumatic brain injuries often commit suicide many years later because of these issues – so the real fatality rate for motorcyclists may be much higher. You may be able to claim compensation for these psychological “non-economic damages” if you file a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Drinking before riding also increases your chances of dying, according to various statistics. Of course, riders aren’t the only ones who drink before getting behind the wheel – and you may be injured by a drunk driver operating a car or truck.

What Should I Do After a Motorcycle Accident in South Carolina? 

If you have suffered a motorcycle crash in South Carolina, your first priority should be to seek medical treatment. Even if you’re not sure whether your injuries are serious, it is still worth seeing a doctor. Accept treatment at the scene of the crash and allow yourself to be transported to the nearest hospital.

Medical treatment is essential if you want to pursue compensation. Not only does it allow you to assess your true damages accurately, but it also creates a “paper trail” in the form of medical records. You can use these records to prove your damages in court.

Should I Quit Riding After a Motorcycle Crash? 

Only you can answer this question. While motorcyclists face various hazards on the road, many believe that they are worth the thrill of riding. Unfortunately, some crashes are so serious that motorcyclists have no choice but to quit riding. If you find yourself in this situation, you might be able to claim a non-economic damage called “loss of enjoyment of life.” Speak with your lawyer for more information.

Where Can I Find Experienced South Carolina Motorcycle Lawyers? 

If you’ve been searching for an experienced Charleston motorcycle accident lawyer, look no further than Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured motorcyclists – and we know better than most how dangerous riding can be. With our help, you can recover the compensation you deserve after a motorcycle accident. Reach out today to learn more about your legal options.




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