Category Archives: Burn Injury

Hazmat Fire Injuries in South Carolina
A hazmat fire can lead to serious injuries in South Carolina. “Hazmat” is short for “hazardous materials,” and a fire of this nature may involve chemicals, toxins, corrosive materials, biohazards, and even radioactive substances. If you were caught in a fire of this nature, you may be attempting to determine the true extent of… Read More »

When Can You Sue for an Explosion in South Carolina?
An explosion in South Carolina can lead to catastrophic, life-altering injuries. These injuries might include third-degree burns, amputations, disfigurements, and smoke inhalation. Explosions also routinely kill those caught in the blast wave. If an explosion affected you or someone you love in South Carolina, you might be wondering if you can sue to recover… Read More »

Lifetime Effects of Burn Injuries in South Carolina
While electrocution can often cause fatal injuries, some burn victims in South Carolina survive these accidents. The road to recovery for these individuals may be long and arduous, and they may struggle with a wide range of health complications for the rest of their lives. If you are dealing with this situation firsthand, you… Read More »