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Category Archives: Motorcycle Accidents


Important Steps if Your Loved One Is in Critical Condition After a South Carolina Motorcycle Crash

By Mickelsen Dalton |

At first, you may have been heartened to hear that your loved one had survived a serious motorcycle crash. However, this optimism can quickly fade after it becomes clear how serious the injuries were. After arriving at the hospital, you may learn that your family member is in critical condition – and their chances… Read More »

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Struck by Multiple Vehicles in a South Carolina Motorcycle Crash: What Should I Do?

By Mickelsen Dalton |

Impacts from multiple vehicles are relatively common in motorcycle accidents. If you’re recovering from a crash like this, you may be struggling with serious injuries that require expensive treatment. You might wonder who to hold responsible for your crash, especially if more than one vehicle was involved. Alternatively, you might be considering legal action… Read More »

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Multiple Motorcyclists Killed in South Carolina

By Mickelsen Dalton |

Over the past few days, multiple motorcyclists have lost their lives in South Carolina. While the details of these specific crashes are not exactly clear, many similar crashes throughout the years have been caused by negligence. If you have lost a family member to a fatal motorcycle crash in South Carolina, you already know… Read More »

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How to File a Wrongful Death Claim After a Motorcycle Accident in South Carolina

By Mickelsen Dalton |

Motorcycle accidents have a high probability of causing death. As a result, family members of deceased loved ones may need to explore wrongful death lawsuits after motorcycle accidents in South Carolina. But what exactly is a wrongful death claim? How does it work? Is this really worth your time as you face grief, funerals,… Read More »

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Suing for Road Rash After a Motorcycle Accident in South Carolina

By Mickelsen Dalton |

Road rash is one of the most common injuries sustained by motorcyclists. Also known in the medical world as “friction burn,” this injury can potentially have life-altering consequences for riders who survive serious crashes. If you have experienced road rash after a motorcycle accident in South Carolina, you may be eligible to pursue compensation… Read More »

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The Connection Between Eyesight and Motorcycle Accidents in South Carolina

By Mickelsen Dalton |

In South Carolina, everyone under the age of 21 must wear goggles or use face shields when riding motorcycles. However, goggles alone may not meet South Carolina’s traffic laws. It may be necessary to use eyewear with prescription lenses, especially if you have poor eyesight. This not only applies to motorcycles, but all other… Read More »

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Examples of Economic Damages After a Motorcycle Crash in South Carolina

By Mickelsen Dalton |

Economic damages represent your financial losses after a motorcycle accident in South Carolina. These losses can be significant, and it makes sense to recover as much as you can while you recover. An experienced accident attorney may be able to help you maximize your settlement or verdict, allowing you to face an uncertain future… Read More »

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Suing for Injuries as a Motorcycle Passenger in South Carolina

By Mickelsen Dalton |

Passengers face serious risks when riding motorcycles. These people are completely at the mercy of their drivers, and they often regret getting onto motorcycles within moments. Once the bike reaches a high speed, it is impossible to get off – and passengers can only hold on while praying that they remain safe. Too often,… Read More »

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Struck by a Motorcycle in South Carolina: What Are My Options?

By Mickelsen Dalton |

While many people focus on the vulnerabilities of motorcyclists, these motorists also pose hazards to others. Pedestrians are the obvious example, and a high-speed impact with a motorcycle is easily capable of causing fatal injuries. Unfortunately, these situations are all too common in South Carolina – and a recent incident highlights this hazard with… Read More »

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E-Bikes vs. Motorcycles: What Happens After Accidents in South Carolina?

By Mickelsen Dalton |

E-bikes have come a long way in recent years. Today, many would argue that they are virtually the same thing as motorcycles – especially due to their breakneck top speeds. Some models can reach top speeds of 70 miles per hour, which is faster than many of the slowest motorcycles. Putting the tech specs… Read More »

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