Examples of Economic Damages After a Motorcycle Crash in South Carolina

Economic damages represent your financial losses after a motorcycle accident in South Carolina. These losses can be significant, and it makes sense to recover as much as you can while you recover. An experienced accident attorney may be able to help you maximize your settlement or verdict, allowing you to face an uncertain future with as much confidence as possible.
Funeral Costs
Unfortunately, many motorcycle accidents in South Carolina prove fatal. This loss may leave families with not only grief, but also financial obligations. A clear example of one of these burdens is the cost of a funeral. If you lost a loved one to a motorcycle accident and you believe that someone else was to blame, you should not have to pay for the cost of your funeral.
Remember, funerals can be prohibitively expensive for many families in the United States. The cost of an average funeral is about $8,000 in the United States. A motorcycle accident lawsuit may help you and your family cover these costs and honor your loved one.
Medical Expenses
Many riders are left with serious injuries after their accidents. The cost of medical treatments can be astronomical, and these costs may continue for months or even years. In the case of a permanent disability, medical bills may continue for the foreseeable future. Rehabilitation is also quite expensive, especially if riders must re-learn basic skills like walking and talking.
A motorcycle accident claim can provide enough compensation to cover these medical expenses. Riders should wait until they reach their “maximum medical improvement” or MMI before pursuing compensation. Until this point in the healing process, it is impossible to determine the true cost of medical treatment.
Note that even if a rider passes away after a crash, they may still incur significant medical treatment. The cost of medical transport can be quite surprising, especially if your loved one crashed in a rural area. A medical helicopter trip can cost tens of thousands of dollars. The families of deceased riders “inherit” these medical debts – and an accident claim could help alleviate these burdens.
Missed Income
A rider may pursue compensation for lost future income after a crash. These losses could be high if the rider will never work again after suffering a permanent disability. That being said, even a few weeks of missed work can be costly for the average South Carolina resident.
Again, this economic damage may apply to deceased riders. Family members – including dependent spouses, children, and seniors – may have depended on the income of the rider. With this source of income gone, the family may face destitution. An injury claim can help families recover compensation for lost future income – ensuring financial security for the foreseeable future.
Can a South Carolina Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help Me Recover Economic Damages?
Yes, a Charleston motorcycle accident lawyer may be able to help you recover the compensation you deserve for your economic damages. For best results, consider working with a law firm that has direct experience with motorcycle accidents. Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC is a clear example of one of these firms – so book your consultation today to get started with an action plan.