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How Long Does it Take to Get Compensation After a South Carolina Semi-Truck Accident?


For many injured victims, their first priority after a semi-truck crash is obtaining compensation as soon as possible. These individuals often face high medical bills, stacks of missed paychecks, and serious psychological turmoil. “How long does it take to get an injury settlement” is often one of the first things victims ask their semi-truck accident lawyers in South Carolina – and it’s an understandable concern.

You Can Negotiate a Settlement Without Going to Court 

First, you should know that you probably won’t need to navigate a time-consuming trial in order to receive compensation. Most civil claims – including truck accident lawsuits – are “settled” by the relevant parties outside of court. This involves private negotiations as insurance adjusters and your lawyers try to determine an appropriate amount of compensation for you.

While negotiations are almost always preferable to litigation, sometimes there is no other choice but to pursue a trial. If the insurers and trucking company are unwilling to negotiate in good faith, you may need to take them to court and let a jury decide on your compensation amount. There is a certain amount of risk involved with litigation, and it could take months or even years. Therefore, you can get a sense of your potential waiting time by considering the likelihood of a trial.

Do Not Accept a Settlement Too Quickly 

For many hard-working Americans, a truck accident claim is an unwelcome, time-consuming distraction. If you simply want to get on with your life and put this incident behind you, it might be tempting to accept an early settlement offer and end this process quickly.

However, you should know that lowball settlement offers are extremely common in the insurance industry. You might see the figure on offer and assume that you’re getting a fair deal – but you could be eligible to receive much more. Only an experienced truck accident lawyer can analyze your case and determine how much it might be worth.

Wait Until The Extent of Your Injury Becomes Clear 

After many truck accidents, it might not be clear how your injury will affect the rest of your life. Doctors may say that they’re not sure whether you’ll ever recover a full range of motion in your shoulder. Perhaps they’re giving you a 50% chance of playing basketball again. In these kinds of situations, it makes sense to wait until doctors can predict the long-term impacts of your injuries with more accuracy. This information helps you pursue compensation for things like lost earnings, loss of enjoyment of life, and other damages.

Can a South Carolina Semi-Truck Accident Lawyer Speed Up My Claim? 

A South Carolina semi-truck accident lawyer can advocate for your rights after a crash – and this might involve addressing any needless delays you’re facing. That being said, it may make more sense to wait in order to push for a high settlement amount. Although this waiting period can be frustrating, it may be well worth it at the end of the day. To discuss the most appropriate strategy based on your unique situation, schedule a consultation with Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC today.




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