Important Steps if Your Loved One Is in Critical Condition After a South Carolina Motorcycle Crash

At first, you may have been heartened to hear that your loved one had survived a serious motorcycle crash. However, this optimism can quickly fade after it becomes clear how serious the injuries were. After arriving at the hospital, you may learn that your family member is in critical condition – and their chances of survival may be unclear. What steps should you take in this situation? Can a motorcycle accident attorney in Charleston help?
Speak With Healthcare Providers
The first step is to speak with healthcare providers about your loved one’s injuries. Doctors and nurses should be able to explain these injuries in easy-to-understand terms. They may also provide you with your loved one’s chances of survival. Even if your loved one survives their injuries, they may never be the same. If your loved one is in a vegetative state, you may need to decide whether to remove them from life support.
Often, motorcyclists survive for several weeks in hospital while fighting for their lives. In early January of 2025, a motorcyclist suffered blunt force injuries after losing control and crashing into a barrier in Aiken County. Although this motorcyclist survived for more than two weeks in hospital, he ultimately succumbed to his wounds by mid-January.
Consider Estate Planning Documents
During this uncertain recovery period, you may need to consider any estate planning documents your loved one left behind. Relevant documents may include financial or medical powers of attorney. Your loved one might have also created a “living will” or “advance directive,” which specifies their medical preferences. Based on these documents, you may have the authority to sue on the patient’s behalf or remove them from life support.
Speak With Traffic Investigators
You might also want to speak with the police if they have not already contacted you. Ask about the nature of the crash, and whether an investigation is taking place. If the injuries were sustained due to a hit-and-run, police may eventually catch the motorist responsible for the crash.
Spend Time With the Family
During this time, it makes sense to prioritize your mental health and spend time with your family. The next few weeks may be challenging, and it is important to rely on your family for emotional support. A crash of this nature can be particularly challenging for any children in the family.
Consider a Consultation With an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer
A consultation with a motorcycle accident attorney in South Carolina may be beneficial while your loved one fights for their life. These legal professionals may be able to help you hold negligent motorists accountable. They may also investigate the crash on your behalf while you focus on your family’s needs during this difficult time. To get started with an action plan, contact Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC today.