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Suing for Smoke Inhalation After a Fiery Car Accident in South Carolina


If you have been involved in a fiery South Carolina car accident, there is a strong chance you have experienced some degree of smoke inhalation. This is one of the most underestimated injuries one can suffer, and most people assume that skin burns are the top threat in fiery crashes. However, the truth is that most fire-related fatalities are caused by smoke in the lungs. What can you do if you survived this experience? How can you recover the compensation you need to heal? These are questions you might want to ask your car accident lawyers.

Fiery Crashes Are All Too Common in South Carolina 

Unfortunately, fiery crashes occur all the time in South Carolina. In August of 2024, a fiery crash caused one death and one hospitalization in Horry County. Authorities confirmed that two vehicles caught fire after colliding. They also noted that occupants became entrapped within their vehicles – even as the flames erupted around them.

This is one of the worst possible scenarios after a car crash. The combination of fire and entrapment provides almost no opportunity for escape, and it is likely that the deceased driver suffered fatal burn injuries and smoke inhalation in the last moments of their life.

Although the exact details of this incident are not clear, authorities stated that the deceased driver was struck head-on by a Jeep in an intersection. An investigation has been launched, and police may eventually determine who caused the accident.

Should I Get Treatment for Smoke Inhalation After a Crash? 

If you believe that you may have inhaled smoke after crashing, you should seek treatment as soon as possible. This is an important step even if there are no visible injuries on your body. Your lungs may have been exposed to seriously dangerous levels of particulates, and you may have suffered permanent or temporary damage.

Only a trained doctor can assess the extent of your lung injuries. You may breathe easily in the immediate aftermath of your crash, but you could experience respiratory issues throughout the next weeks, months, and years.

Note that smoke inhalation may also worsen existing health issues. This is especially concerning for those with asthma, heart disease, and similar problems.

Remember to document as much as possible and request copies of your healthcare records. Although the medical testing process might seem daunting and expensive, these records may allow you to pursue compensation. If a lawsuit is possible, you may receive compensation for all medical expenditures related to your crash.

Find Experienced Car Accident Lawyers in South Carolina 

If you’ve been searching for experienced Charleston car accident lawyers, look no further than Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC.  We understand that fiery crashes can lead to various injuries, including smoke inhalation. You deserve full and fair compensation for this life-altering injury, so get in touch today and discuss a potential action plan.




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