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Woman Jailed After Fatal DUI Crash in South Carolina


Although many South Carolina car accidents are truly accidental, others are clearly caused by gross, reckless negligence. Unfortunately, these crashes are all too common – and they frequently claim lives. A recent fatal crash in South Carolina immediately led to serious criminal charges for the person allegedly responsible – but even the harshest criminal consequences cannot bring back deceased loved ones. Wrongful death lawsuits can provide some degree of closure and justice for grieving families.

Woman Faces Numerous Charges After Fatal Accident 

In September of 2024, a crash in Columbia left one woman dead. The police immediately charged a woman with numerous crimes – including felony DUI resulting in death. The implication is clear: This driver caused the accident while operating her vehicle under the influence – and another person paid the ultimate price. The victim was reportedly 58 years old.

Although the details of the crash are relatively unclear, the defendant was also charged with speeding in the aftermath of the accident. This suggests that she was driving in an unsafe manner prior to the collision – although it is important not to make excessive assumptions until the investigation concludes.

Can Personal Injury Lawsuits Hold Drunk Drivers Accountable? 

In South Carolina, all defendants are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The burden of proof is high in criminal courts, and many drivers walk free after being accused of drunk driving. Even if there is a slight chance that the driver might be innocent, the jury is legally obliged to find them not guilty. This causes considerable bitterness among surviving family members and injured motorists for obvious reasons.

However, there is still a chance to hold drunk drivers accountable – even if they escape criminal charges. By suing them in civil court, you can enforce financial penalties. Although a civil court does not have the power to incarcerate a drunk driver, a personal injury lawsuit can cover your medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, and any other damages you were forced to endure.

The burden of proof is also lower in civil courts. You only need to show a “preponderance of evidence” to determine liability – roughly equivalent to a 50% chance of wrongdoing. That being said, proving negligence is still a challenging endeavor – and it makes sense to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer to gather the necessary evidence.

Can a South Carolina Accident Lawyer Help After a DUI Crash? 

A Charleston car accident lawyer may be able to offer legal assistance after a serious DUI crash. Choose Mickelsen & Dalton, LLC – and discuss your legal options in more detail during a consultation. We have helped numerous car accident victims over the years – including those harmed by drunk drivers. We know how life-changing these accidents can be, and we understand the need for closure, compensation, and justice. Reach out today to get started.




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